Do You Need a Doctor?
Safe – Remote Access

Dr. Leslie Pickens
(703) 683-2773
Services Offered
Most general medicine needs can be addressed through an online meeting. This includes anything that does not warrant a hospital visit for advanced studies or imaging.
Do you have headaches or sinus problems? Insect Bites, Urinary Tract Infections, Back Pain or any other condition that requires a doctor’s evaluation and prescription?
When you schedule your appointment, you will meet the doctor right on your computer from home. This private and confidential visit will help Dr. Pickens guide you to solutions to your health challenges.
This will give you peace of mind and a safe way to address any medical issues you are facing during this difficult time.

Sample: Poison Ivy Treatment
Board Certified Emergency Room Physician
Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine, Doctor Pickens has served as an emergency department physician and even owned an Urgent Care Facility for 18 years.
She is aware and concerned that many of her current and new patients might be struggling or even ignoring some health issues that could be addressed through a remote meeting.
You could say, that Virtual Doctor visits, in a way, are like the way it used to be. When you needed a doctor, they came over to your house.
Just complete the form below and schedule your Remote Doctor’s Visit. Available times will be listed and you can choose the time you want!